
This research on children’s traditional games Kanome to answered several questions: what there are traditional games of Kanome? How do traditional games function in the lives of children? Why are traditional games still played now? This studies aimed to identify and document types of games, games functions and what cultural values embodied in traditional games of Kanome people. The qualitative method employed through in-depth interviews and observation. Research findings show that games of Tai-tai, Kiri Mbal-bal, and Mbanti have the following functions: (i) preparing a child toward adulthood for the future (ii) recreation, (iii) the media learning, (iv) creativity (develop the intellectual), (v) honesty and sportsmanship; (vi) friendly and mutual cooperation, (vii) sharpen the skills of the child, (viii) giving meaning of social, environmental and natural interactions. (ix) joy good harvests for kumbili. Keyword: Kanome, Malind, Marind, traditional games. Merauke, Papua

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