
Modern forest belts are a large, complex and important part of the biosphere. The unique biocenoses in which specific ornithocomplexes are formed which include birds of different ecological groups are and feed on synanthropic species, birds of the forest, birds of the fields. The aim of the research is to study the features of the formation of ornithocomplexes of different (maple-ash purge forest belts, mixed dense forest belts, acacia purge forest belts, maple-lime openwork forest belts) protective forest belts within the Kharkiv region. In the course of the research we have registered 44 species of birds belonging to 8 rows Falconiformes, Galliformes, Columbiformes, Cuculiformes, Upupiformes, Piciformes, Passeriformes, Ciconiiformes. The formation of ornithocomplexes of protective forest belts depends on various factors. Outstanding is the phytocoenotic composition of forest belts and age structure of plantations. Settling of birds in shelterbelts afforestation occurs gradually, with the growth of trees and change conditions of the biocenosis. The avifauna of maple-ash-tree scavenging forest belts is represented by 39 species of birds. Dominant and subdominant are: ficedula albicollis Temm., Fringilla coelebs L. In mixed shelterbelts purge nest 38 species of birds, is during foraging 2 types. Mixed dense forest belts inhabit 44 species of birds, biodiversity is associated with the floristic composition of the forest belt with significant density and well-formed undergrowth compared to other forest belts. Avifauna gorobinci purge belts are 26 species of birds. Ornithocomplex maple-lime fishnet shelterbelts are 41 species of birds. Analyzing the features of the formation of avifauna of forest belts, it can be argued that these biotopes are inhabited by birds of different ecological groups, biotopes, synanthropic species, birds of the forest, birds of the fields, are able to form unique biotopes. Therefore, field-protective forest plantations combined complex ecosystems. Analyzing the index of similarity of biodiversity of different types of forest belts, it can be argued that the most similar in species composition of birds are mixed dense forest belts and maple-lime openwork forest belts (jacquard Index – 93.1 and Serensen index 96.4) and maple-ash scavenging forest belts with mixed scavenging forest belts (jacquard Index-92.6 and Serensen index 96.2). Determined the relative numbers of registered types for zaplanovano classification V. P. Balka (2009): the most numerous Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs L.), Zelenyak (Chloris chloris L.), goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis L.), Linnet (Acanthis cannabina L.), song thrush (Turdus philomelos Brehm.), sorokopud of thorns (Lanius collurio L.), Nightingale (Luscinia luscinia L), magpie (Pica pica L.), grey crow (Corvus cornix L.). Rare species are common berestyanka(Hippolais icterina L.), common Buzzard (Buteo buteo L.), common urticaria (Sylvia nisoria L.). The nature protection status of certain bird species is analyzed. 1 species listed in the Red book of Ukraine, 2 species In the red list of Kharkiv region. 2 types to the Washington Convention. Berne Convention Annex II (BC2) – 23 species, Berne Convention Annex III (BC3) – 13 species of birds, Bonn Convention Annex II (Bu2) – 10 species, Bonn Convention Annex I (BO1) – 2 species and 6 species of birds have no conservation status.


  • Modern forest belts are a large, complex and important part of the biosphere

  • The aim of the research is to study the features of the formation of ornithocomplexes of different protective forest belts within the Kharkiv region

  • The formation of ornithocomplexes of protective forest belts depends on various factors

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Article info

The aim of the research is to study the features of the formation of ornithocomplexes of different (mapleash purge forest belts, mixed dense forest belts, acacia purge forest belts, maple-lime openwork forest belts) protective forest belts within the Kharkiv region. Analyzing the features of the formation of avifauna of forest belts, it can be argued that these biotopes are inhabited by birds of different ecological groups, biotopes, synanthropic species, birds of the forest, birds of the fields, are able to form unique biotopes. Analyzing the index of similarity of biodiversity of different types of forest belts, it can be argued that the most similar in species composition of birds are mixed dense forest belts and maple-lime openwork forest belts (jacquard Index – 93.1 and Serensen index 96.4) and maple-ash scavenging forest belts with mixed scavenging forest belts (jacquard Index-92.6 and Serensen index 96.2). Berne Convention Annex II (BC2) – 23 species, Berne Convention Annex III (BC3) – 13 species of birds, Bonn Convention Annex II (Bu2) – 10 species, Bonn Convention Annex I (BO1) – 2 species and 6 species of birds have no conservation status

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Ficedula parva Sibley and Monroe
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