
Good Corporate Governance (GCG) represents one of the management model placing forward progress and company continuity inwroughtly and totally. Three important pillar in this concept GCG among others, that is (i) state and its peripheral as regulator, (ii) corporate world as market perpetrator, and (iii) society as consumer of product and corporate world service. Its meaning that in inwrought company management and have continuation, it cannot be conducted by the company itself, because there are two other role, which is played the part of parties of eksternal company which must be adhered and served, so that satisfaction of the parties can give the guarantee to taking place company in period to come.TARIF, representing very ground and krusial value of GCG that have to become the base arrange the good corporate governance. The ground among others that is (i) transparency, (ii) accountability, (iii) responsibility, (iv) independency and also (v) equity and equivalence (fairness) needed to reach the continuity of effort (sustainability) of company by paying attention stakeholders. And, to run arrange the good company management, hence company better compile the guidance of execution GCG with the the following payload: (i) vision, mission and company values; (ii) domicile and function RUPS, Board of Commissioner, Board of directors, committee of Board of Commissioner supporter, and internal observation; (iii) policy to ascertain executing of function of each;every company organ effectively; (iv) policy to ascertain executing of akuntabilitas, effective internal operation and real correct financial reporting; (v) of behavior guidance which is relied by values of company and business ethics; (vi) of medium of information expression for the stockholder of other and pemangku importance; and (vii) of completion policy of various company regulation in order to fulfilling principle GCG.Hereinafter, to be effective ambulatory execution GCG, hence needed process that taking part in all parties in company through the following step: (i) develop; build the understanding, caring and komitmen to execute the GCG by all member of Board of directors and Board of Commissioner, and also Controller Stockholder, and all employees; (ii) study to condition of company that related to execution of needed correctional GCG action and; (iii) compile the program and guidance of execution of GCG company; ( iv) conducting internalization of execution GCG, so that formed sense of belonging from all parties in company, and also understanding to the execution of guidance GCG in everyday activity; and (v) conducting the assessment by company itself or by using other party of service independent eksternal to ascertain the applying GCG chronically. Result of the assessment laid open in annual report and reported in annual RUPS.

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