
Anantnag District is in southern sector of Jehlum Valley. It is because of its rejuvenating climate, the inspiring majesty, its lofty Mountains, the melodious flow of sweet waters of its springs and streams, fertile soil, fragrant flowers and delicious fruits that the district has come to be synonymous with greatness. The area of the district is 2917 Sq. Kms, which constitutes about 1.31% of the total area of Jammu & Kashmir state. As per Census 2011, the population of the district is 10.70 lac. Thus the population of the district represents only 7.23% of the population of Jammu & Kashmir. The distribution of population between Rural and Urban stands in the ratio of 80:20. The density of the population is 375 persons per Sq. km. Save the Children in partnership with Jammu & Kashmir Yateem Trust has been working in District Anantnag for more than 7 years on different issues. Save the Children with partner organization has been working to improve the quality of education since 2005 funded by European Union. Over the years of working linkages and relationship between the community and district administration has been established through various activities and events in built in the programme. The established structures at village like Child Protection Committees, Village Education Committees, Children’s groups and at district like District Child Protection Advisory Group & Educational Core Group are well aware of the issues prevailing in the Education system. Their capacities have been built on child rights & Child protection issues which consequently resulted in change in their attitudes & made more responsive towards the needs of the children. The organization is working in close coordination with all the departments i.e. Education, Health & Social welfare at District level. The organization has been successful in developing good relationship with the District Administration as well as the community. The Resource Group at the district level has been very actively working towards making positive changes in the system. Print and electronic media has also acted as a very important catalyst in highlighting the issues & positive developments made so far in the District education system.

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