
In this research, the burner used in current industry is modified to improve the state of mixture for air and oil, so that the burning efficiency could be promoted to save fuel as well as reduce emissions of waste gas and waste heat. The way of operating this modified burner was same as the traditional one by inducing the air and oil with high pressure to the furnace, then mixing and burning the compound inside the chamber. Moreover, the construction of this modified burner was a bit different with an extra device call spoiler, which will be fixed in front end of the nozzle to create a turbulent flow for better mixing of inlet air and oil, so as to increase the burning efficiency. As the cone shape spoiler is set up onto the burner, it will seperate the inlet oil and gas inside and outside the cone , when the oil is injected from the nozzle with a high speed flow, the air inside the cone will be brought out and form a low pressure zone, in this time, if some tiny holes are punched on the wall of the cone, the inlet air outside the cone will leak inside and create a turbulent flow, which can improve the mixing condition of oil and gas and gain burning efficiency. As with the standard burner used in industrial furnaces for testing, comparing the average fuel consumption for unit hour and contrast the emissions of burner with and without installing spoiler, one can find that, the energy saving can effectively reach to 15%,while the emissions of NOxand SOxwere at the utmost reduced by 13% and 9%, respectively. The measured data of CO, CO2and waste heat expelling to environment were keeping the same, but actually they were low down when considering the total volume of inlet air diminished by 10%. The above results show that, with the spoiler attached, the burning system will have obvious benefit for energy saving and emissions reducing, and that really fit the goal of nowadays’ situation to live without energy deficit and environment impact.

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