
Introduction: Poison is any substance, which causes ill effects, or death when inhaled, ingested or injectedin living cells. Emergency Medical Professionals working in Ambulances play a very important role ininitial management of poisoning. Hence, it is imperative that the EMS professionals should have requisiteknowledge and possess the right attitude to be effective caregivers in cases of poisoning.Objective: To evaluate the Knowledge and attitude regarding management of Acute Poisoning amongst theEmergency Medical Professional in Pune, India.Methodology:The study was conducted amongst 170 Emergency Medical Professionals in Pune, India. The eighteen-itemquestionnaire comprised of two key parameters – eight items testing Knowledge and ten items measuringAttitude. Each item on the questionnaire required a binary response. All items were required to be mandatorilyfilled.Discussion: The study evaluated the knowledge and attitude of the EMS professionals in initial managementof cases of acute poisoning. Majority of the respondents possessed the right general knowledge aboutpoisoning except that most felt that it was more important to treat the poison rather than patient but couldnot correctly differentiate between the early stage and late stage symptom of poisoning.Conclusion: The study attempts to evaluate the knowledge and attitude of the EMS responders in acutepoisoning and provides with significant areas with scope of improvement that can guide educators toaccordingly tailor the teaching curriculum of the subject of poisoning

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