
“What is contraception?”
 Contraception is the method for birth control which helps to prevent unwanted pregnancies. There are so many methods of contraception including long acting reversible methods, barrier methods, hormonal methods, lactational amenorrhea method, fertility awareness based methods, emergency contraceptives, etc.
 In present decade, the knowledge of contraception in teenage girls is mandatory as the involvement of teenagers in sexual activities is increasing day by day. The reasons can be many such as social media, electronic gadgets, peer pressure, etc. There are so many studies that have shown that knowledge of contraceptives, especially among the teenage girls in universities remains limited and the rate of sexual activity before marriage, and unwanted pregnancies, illegal abortions remains higher among college going students. It leads to various health conditions in girls as well as mental and social disturbances in both girls and boys. There is a need to make them aware about the consequences they have to face after engaging in sexual activities and ending up with teenage pregnancies, unwanted pregnancies and unsafe abortions.
 Current study aimed to assess the awareness of contraceptives, sexual behavior, and factors associated with contraceptives use among female undergraduate students as well as girls who are illiterate in Wardha region, Maharashtra.
 Aim: ‘The study was conducted to estimate the level of awareness of contraception amongst the teenage girls’.
 To provide proper sex education to the teenagers.
 To aware teenagers about complications of teenage pregnancies.
 To acknowledge them about sexual activities and their consequences.
 To acknowledge them about contraceptives and their proper uses. 
 Materials and Methods: Sawangi, Wardha. Total study participants were 140 girls. One group of 70 girls, age between 13 years to 16 years, half of them from school located in Wardha and half of them from rural area around the Wardha. Another group of 70 girls belongs to 17 years to 19 years, half of them from school and half from rural area. The participants were on voluntary basis. The girls belong rural area that had never been to the school. None of them were given questionnaire to fill. Answers were recorded on the questionnaire by the social worker who was assigned the job. Adequate time was given to each adolescent to answer the questions asked. The data thus collected was analyzed. Prior permission and consent were taken from the school Principal and the parents.
 Conclusion: The present study concludes that there should be sensitization of teenage girls about contraception and various contraceptive methods. It will help them to prevent the unwanted pregnancies and it adverse outcomes of abortions which is beneficial to maintain their further reproductive life.

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