
Ayurveda is not only the science of life but also the philosophy of life. Srotasa which represent the internal transport system includes a series of channels through which Rasa-Raktaadi Dhatu is propelled to all parts of the body. The concept of Pranavaha Srotodushti & its explanation matches entirely with the pathogenesis mechanism symptoms of Asthma. Taking this aspect in the mind, the clinical study was planned to establishment of the func- tional utility of Srotomoola in the management of the disease Tamaka Shwasa. AIM & OBJECTIVES: To estab- lish the role and function utility of Srotomoola. To study the aetiopathogenesis and treatment of Pranavaha- Pradoshaja Vikara. To assess the efficacy of Shwashar Yoga, Hridya Yoga, and Deepaniya Yoga. MATERIALS AND METHODS: For the clinical study 30 clinically diagnosed patients of Tamaka Shwasa (Bronchial Asthma) were registered for present clinical. They were treated in three groups randomly each containing 10 patients with- in the age group of 20-70 years. Group 1 has been treated with Shwashar Yoga 5gm three times a day for 2 months. Group 2 have given Hridya Yoga 5gm three times a day for 2 months. Group 3 have given Deepaniya Yoga 5gm three times a day for 2 months. 30 clinically diagnosed patients of Tamaka Shwasa (Bronchial Asthma) were registered for the present clinical study in 3 divided groups. RESULTS: After the complete intervention the overall improvement in the patient of group I was found to be 77.27%, in Group II was found to be 63.64% and in group III was found to be 31.50% which was a mild improvement symptomatically but statistically it was highly significant. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: It was observed that most drug ingredients in Shwashar Yoga, Hridya Yoga, Deepaniya Yoga have Laghu, Ruksha, Tikshna Guna, Tikta, Katu Rasa, Katu & Madhura Vipaka & Kapha Vatashamaka Prabha- va. Considering these factors, the selected drugs as well comprises Kapha Vatashamaka action, moreover, should contain a strong affinity to perform on Pranavaha Srotas. It shows signs of Srotoshodhaka properties which may assist to eliminate sluggish Dosha in the Srotas. Keywords: Srotasa, Srotomoola, Tamaka Shwasa, Kapha Vatashamaka.

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