
Background Postoperative pain management is a crucial part of patient care for surgeries involving the upper limbs. A popular technique for providing both postoperative analgesia and regional anaesthesia is a supraclavicular plexus block guided by a peripheral nerve stimulator. Recent research has demonstrated that the analgesic effect of ropivacaine, a common local anaesthetic, can be enhanced by the addition of magnesium sulphate. The study aims to assess the safety and effectiveness of utilising magnesium sulphate in addition to ropivacaine alone for postoperative analgesia in patients having upper limb surgeries under peripheral nerve stimulator-guided supraclavicular plexus block. Methods This protocol outlines a prospective, double-blind, randomised, controlled trial that assesses the efficacy of ropivacaine versus ropivacaine plus magnesium sulphate for analgesia post surgery in patients undergoing upper limb surgeries under the guidance of a peripheral nerve stimulator (PNS). 50 Patients will be included in the study in total, and they will be split into two groups at random. PNS-guided supraclavicular plexus block with ropivacaine alone will be administered to one group, while ropivacaine combined with magnesium sulphate will be administered to the other. Regular monitoring will be done during the postoperative phase to determine pain levels, use of analgesics, motor and sensory blockade, and adverse events. Results The study aims to determine if ropivacaine with magnesium sulphate postoperative analgesia is superior to ropivacaine alone in supraclavicular plexus blocks. The motor and sensory blockade duration, opioid use, and any negative results will be evaluated as secondary outcomes. Statistical analysis will be performed to determine the significance of the differences between the two groups. Conclusion This study protocol compares the effectiveness of ropivacaine alone against ropivacaine with magnesium sulphate in peripheral nerve stimulator-guided supraclavicular plexus block, with the goal of adding to the repository of information on postoperative analgesia in upper limb procedures. The study’s findings could be very helpful in enhancing pain management strategies and enhancing patient outcomes in this context.

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