
Jackson System Development (JSD) has been used to develop a wide range of systems, from data processing applications implemented in COBOL, to real-time applications implemented in Ada. JSD has also been used to develop systems of all sizes, from the very small to systems implemented in several million lines of code. However, the rigour of the JSD method can make it difficult to use, unless a suitable CASE tool is employed to support the development process. JSD is not itself a formal method but in common with true formal methods, JSD develops a detailed specification which contains all the information necessary to generate a complete implementation. Having produced a detailed specification the question posed within the title would appear to be answered. If all the information necessary to implement a complete working system is held within a JSD specification then it would appear to be highly illogical and very expensive to do anything other than to automate the implementation stage of the method. Although all stages of JSD can benefit from tool support, the presentation concentrates on the automation of the implementation stage. After giving a brief history and background of the JSD method this presentation addresses three questions: 1. What is a JSD specification? 2. What is involved with implementing a JSD specification and how can this be automated? 3. What are organisations' experiences of the use of the JSD method and the automation of the implementation stage? (6 pages)

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