
set up with great exactness identical conditions in order to determine the surety of expected results. The nurse working constantly with one physician or in one hospital is able to approximate this exactness very closely. On the other hand, the research worker determines the dependence of the expected result on the exactness of the prerequisite cause. He should also determine if unusual prearranged conditions may bring about identical results. Thus the nurse working with different physicians will see whether the same results may not be achieved with quite different methods. Many nurses have noted and commented on the relationship of certain results to their supposed or real causes. If we are to develop the science of nursing to its greatest achievement, we must accord the scientific research worker in nursing a position of increasing dignity, honor, and power in the profession. We must exact from her a thoroughness and soundness of preparation which will give us confidence in presenting her findings to all other sciences as sound and able to be duplicated. If we demand as much in scientific preparation for her work as is demanded of the students in other fields of science, we can well claim the same respect and credence for her findings. Our profession, through some of its leaders and other members, has shown its right to claim a place for its work in the realms of pure science, in applied science, and in the social sciences. The complexity of nursing service demands that we make ourselves familiar with many related sciences. If we develop a constructively critical attitude toward the methods of research set up in our profession and, at the same time, an understanding tolerance toward the attitude of the worker, we shall go far toward finding for ourselves a place among the recognized scientists and of proclaiming our work a science.

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