
Based on archival documents and periodicals, the article traces the path of the constructivist poet Vladimir Lugovsky from the eve of his entry into the RAPP in 1930, together with Vladimir Mayakovsky and Eduard Bagritsky, to the party resolution of 1932 “On the restructuring of literary and artistic organizations&8j1;. Against the backdrop of the tragic death of Mayakovsky just two months after joining the RAPP and the attitude of the Rapp leadership towards him, the story of Lugovskoy appears, on the one hand, as a successful version of the “perestroika” of the former fellow traveler (poputchik), according to the canons of Rapp’s ideology, on the other hand, Lugovskiy’s example was to become a model for future relations with fellow travelers, but this was prevented by the dissolution of the RAPP.

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