
Oz Hint alt kitasinda kendilerine “ehl-i hadis” diyen bazi kimselerin Hanefi mezhebinin bircok meselede hadislere muhalif oldugu ve Ebu Hanife’nin (v.150/767) hadis bilmedigi iddialari uzerine kaleme alinan I’lâu’s-sunen isimli bu eser, Hanefi fikhinin dayandigi akli ve nakli delilleri zikretmek, hukme dayanak olarak zikredilen ve furu‘ fikihta daginik halde bulunan hadisleri tahric etmek, bunlari ravileriyle birlikte hadis usulu acisindan degerlendirmek ve muhalif goruslere cevap vererek mezhep gorusunun kendi icinde tutarli oldugunu vurgulamak amaciyla yazilmistir. Yaklasik sekiz bin sayfa civarinda olan bu eser, Esref Ali b. Abdulhak et-Tânevi’nin istegi uzerine kiz kardesinin oglu Zafer Ahmed el-Osmâni et-Tânevi tarafindan yirmi senelik bir calisma neticesinde telif edilmistir. Muellifin soz konusu eserdeki fikih metodu, “Musarrât hadisi” uzerinden incelenmistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Musarrat hadisi, kiyas, ayip muhayyerligi, sut, hurma. The Legal Method of Tanevi in His I‘lau’s Sunan: The Case of the Hadith of Musarrat Abstract The book I‘lau’s Sunan was written in response to the claims that Hanafi school dissented tomany Prophetic traditions and that Abu Hanifa lacked knowledge in the science of hadith. Mentioning the logical and textual evidences of the Hanafi rulings, drawing out and presenting the Prophetic traditions used by Hanafi jurists as the basis of their rulings in various parts of their books, evaluating these traditions on the basis of methodology of the science of hadith, responding to the opposing views and pointing out the coherence of Hanafi views were also among the objects of writing I‘lau’s Sunan. With about 8000 pages, this book took about twenty years to be written. It was written upon Ashraf Ali b. Abd al-Haqq al-Tahanawi’s request from his sister’s son Zafar Ahmad al-Uthmani al-Tahanawi. In this article we have used the “Hadith of musarrat” as a sample to examine and show the author’s method. Keywords: Hadith of Musarrat, legal maxim, khiyar al-ayb (Option from Defect), milk, date fruit.

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