
BackgroundSaccadic eye movements change the retinal location of visual objects, but we do not experience the visual world as constantly moving, we perceive it as seamless and stable. This visual stability may be achieved by an internal or efference copy of each saccade that, combined with the retinal information, allows the visual system to cancel out or ignore the self-caused retinal motion. ObjectiveThe current study investigated the underlying brain mechanisms responsible for visual stability in humans with online transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). MethodsWe used two classic tasks that measure efference copy: the double-step task and the in-flight displacement task. The double-step task requires subjects to make two memory-guided saccades, the second of which depends on an accurate internal copy of the first. The in-flight displacement task requires subjects to report the relative location of a (possibly displaced) target across a saccade. In separate experimental sessions, subjects participated in each task while we delivered online 3-pulse TMS over frontal eye fields (FEF), posterior parietal cortex, or vertex. TMS was contingent on saccade execution. ResultsSecond saccades were not disrupted in the double-step task, but surprisingly, TMS over FEF modified the metrics of the ongoing saccade. Spatiotopic performance in the in-flight displacement task was altered following TMS over parietal cortex, but not FEF or vertex. ConclusionThese results suggest that TMS disrupted eye-centered position coding in the parietal cortex. Trans-saccadic correspondence, and visual stability, may therefore causally depend on parietal maps.

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