
A new CMS tracker is scheduled to become operational for the LHC Phase 2 upgrade in the early 2020's. tkLayout is a software package developed to create 3d models for the design of the CMS tracker and to evaluate its fundamental performance figures. The new tracker will have to cope with much higher luminosity conditions, resulting in increased track density, harsher radiation exposure and, especially, much higher data acquisition bandwidth, such that equipping the tracker with triggering capabilities is envisaged.The design of an innovative detector involves deciding on an architecture offering the best trade-off among many figures of merit, such as tracking resolution, power dissipation, bandwidth, cost and so on. Quantitatively evaluating these figures of merit as early as possible in the design phase is of capital importance and it is best done with the aid of software models.tkLayout is a flexible modeling tool: new performance estimates and support for different detector geometries can be quickly added, thanks to its modular structure. Besides, the software executes very quickly (about two minutes), so that many possible architectural variations can be rapidly modeled and compared, to help in the choice of a viable detector layout and then to optimize it.A tracker geometry is generated from simple configuration files, defining the module types, layout and materials. Support structures are automatically added and services routed to provide a realistic tracker description. The tracker geometries thus generated can be exported to the standard CMS simulation framework (CMSSW) for full Monte Carlo studies.tkLayout has proven essential in giving guidance to CMS in studying different detector layouts and exploring the feasibility of innovative solutions for tracking detectors, in terms of design, performance and projected costs. This tool has been one of the keys to making important design decisions for over five years now and has also enabled project engineers and simulation experts to focus their efforts on other important or specific issues.Even if tkLayout was designed for the CMS tracker upgrade project, its flexibility makes it experiment-agnostic, so that it could be easily adapted to model other tracking detectors.The technology behind tkLayout is presented, as well as some of the results obtained in the context of the CMS silicon tracker design studies.


  • Module geometryDetector modules are the main objects in tkLayout. tkLayout supports rectangular as well as wedge-shaped modules

  • A new CMS tracker is scheduled to become operational for the LHC Phase 2 upgrade in the early 2020’s. tkLayout is a software package developed to create 3d models for the design of the CMS tracker and to evaluate its fundamental performance figures

  • Evaluating these figures of merit as early as possible in the design phase is of capital importance and it is best done with the aid of software models. tkLayout is a flexible modeling tool: new performance estimates and support for different detector geometries can be quickly added, thanks to its modular structure

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Module geometry

Detector modules are the main objects in tkLayout. tkLayout supports rectangular as well as wedge-shaped modules. Detector modules are the main objects in tkLayout. TkLayout supports rectangular as well as wedge-shaped modules. Modules can have one or two sensor surfaces. Dual-sensor modules are fundamental to enable triggering in the CMS Tracker. On this kind of modules, specialized front-end electronics correlate the hits on the two sensors and measure their displacement to estimate the pT of the track. If the displacement between two hits is smaller than a configurable search window, a stub is formed and sent out to the L1 trigger system. For a track with a given pT , increasing or reducing the spacing between the two sensors respectively increases or reduces the hit displacement

Trigger window and sensor spacing dimensioning
Module positioning
Tracking performance
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