
1. Foraging herbivores must deal with plant characteristics that inhibit feeding and they must avoid being eaten. Principally, toxins limit food intake, while predation risk alters how long animals are prepared to harvest resources. Each of these factors strongly affects how herbivores use food patches, and both constraints can pose immediate proximate costs and long-term consequences to fitness. 2. Using a generalist mammalian herbivore, the common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula), our aim was to quantitatively compare the influence of plant toxin and predation risk on foraging decisions. 3. We performed a titration experiment by offering animals a choice between non-toxic food at a risky patch paired with food with one of five toxin concentrations at a safe patch. This allowed us to identify the tipping point, where the cost of toxin in the safe food patch was equivalent to the perceived predation risk in the alternative patch. 4. At low toxin concentration, animals ate more from the safe than the risky patch. As toxin concentration increased at the safe patch, intake shifted until animals ate mainly from the risky patch. This shift was associated with behavioural changes: animals spent more time and fed longer at the risky patch, while vigilance increased at both risky and safe patches. 5. Our results demonstrate that the variation in toxin concentration, which occurs intraspecifically among plants, can critically influence the relative cost of predation risk on foraging. We show that herbivores quantify, compare and balance these two different but proximate costs, altering their foraging patterns in the process. This has potential ecological and evolutionary implications for the production of plant defence compounds in relation to spatial variation in predation risk to herbivores.

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