
The article is devoted to the study of the structural and semantic features of the titles of works of modern Ukrainian literature for children and youth. It was found that the analyzed titles are usually multi-meaningful, they are characterized by a high level of generalization. In the projection on figurative and semiotic characteristics, three types of titles are distinguished: titles-indicators, titles-images, titles-symbols. In modern literature for children and young, titles-images and titles-symbols prevail, because it is their use that realizes the ambiguity of the title, and therefore of the work in general. Typical structural models of the titles of works for children and youth were revealed: titles-word forms, titles-phrases and titles-sentences. The selected actual material proves that the largest group is the titles-subordinate phrases. Within this group, we trace the quantitative unevenness of various types of phrases. The most frequent in terms of usage are titles expressed by a substantive phrase. Instead, verb and adverbial phrases occur occasionally. Single-component titles, expressed by nouns in the nominative case, and titles-simple sentences are also common. Titles-complex sentences are less productive. The titles expressed by the nominative case of representation and models of doublet headings are described and analyzed. We see the prospect for further scientific research in the study of the pragmatic potential of titles of works of modern Ukrainian literature for children and youth.

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