
In order to understand the effect of different culture systems on Cd and Pb accumulation, suspended long-line and bottom cultures of Argopecten purpuratus were conducted during January until April 2010 (120days). The Cd tissue levels were the highest at the middle of the experiment (30-d till 70-d) for suspended-cultured individuals, while bottom-cultured individuals showed an increasing trend. Gonad Pb levels were also higher during the same period for all cultures, while adductor muscle exhibited no considerable variations. Cd and Pb tissue concentrations were mainly greater in deeper cultures. There were no significant differences in Cd and Pb accumulation between individual sizes. The Cd and Pb levels in edible tissue (gonad+adductor muscle) did not exceed the EU and FDA maximum levels. Based on the target hazard quotient (THQ) and the provisional tolerance weekly intake (PTWI), no risk (THQ<1 and %PTWI<30) was found for human consumption.

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