
Uncoupling protein (UCP) gene expression is tightly restricted to thermogenic brown adipocytes and is rapidly activated by norepinephrine released after cold exposure. To identify cis-acting regulatory elements controlling this gene, a region encompassing 4.5 kilobases of DNA upstream of the transcription start site was analyzed using hybrid UCP-chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter gene constructs. Evidence for the presence of both tissue-specific and beta-adrenergic response elements in this 4.5-kilobase region was obtained by comparing the expression of these reporter genes in transfected brown adipocytes (in vitro differentiated), brown preadipocytes, white adipocytes, and Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and from experiments in transgenic animals. Deletion analyses in transfected cells indicated that the minimal region exhibiting promoter activity and tissue specificity is located between -157 and -57 base pairs (bp). A 211-bp activator element located between -2494 and -2283 bp was necessary for full expression in brown adipocytes. This element also activated expression of the homologous -157-bp promoter and expression of a heterologous promoter in both brown adipocytes and CHO cells. A second region, downstream of the activator and possibly located between positions -400 and -157 bp, inhibited the UCP promoter in CHO cells. In mice transgenic for a chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter gene containing these elements, expression was both tissue specific and regulatable by environmental temperature changes. These results indicate that both positive and negative cis-acting elements participate in the regulation of UCP gene expression.

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