
One of the most exciting and controversial topics in science and politics is stem cell research and the desire of scientists to be able to regenerate human tissue and organs. Our bodies begin as a single cell that divides and produces a cluster of initially pluripotent embryological cells. Pluripotent cells are stem cells with the ability to differentiate into any cell of the body. Throughout embryological development, carefully-timed cellular are released that direct these pluripotent cells to become more defined cells such as ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. In turn, these three germ layers differentiate into various tissues that are the building blocks of our organs. The ability of these cells to become different types of tissues depends on our genetic makeup and the ability of our genes to produce the correct proteins at the correct time to produce the correct tissue type. When scientists attempt to regenerate tissue in a laboratory, they must understand the signals that help cells become the correct tissue. They must have a source of cells that are multipotent (that is, able to differentiate into specific cell types), and they must know which additives (signals) must be added to make the desired tissue. The best source of cells for tissue regeneration studies are cells that have the ability to self-renew, or that have qualities similar to stem cells. Embryonic stem cells come from a class of tissue, the epiblast, in the inner cell mass of early stage embryos. They are considered to be pluripotent. Adult stem cells are found in the bone marrow and dental pulp, and are only multipotent. With this exercise, any number of these topics can be discussed in detail or offered briefly, depending on the student audience. Danio rerio, zebrafish, regenerate numerous structures such as the spinal cord, optic nerve, heart, and fins (Nakatani et al., 2007). The fin is the preferred model for studying regeneration due to its structural simplicity. Amputation of the fin is an easy procedure that can be done very quickly on multiple fish. Most importantly, the fish continue to survive normally without the fin and rapidly regenerate it. The basic skeleton of a cell is the one contained within the cytoplasm, namely the cytoskeleton. Among its main components are microtubules, and these structural components are very important in cell division. When cell division begins, the microtubules, which are usually long, become shorter and begin to form the spindle, which will eventually pull the chromosomes apart. Cell division is necessary for most forms of regeneration and blocking it by destabilizing microtubules will lead to a lack of regeneration. The zebrafish caudal fin is composed of numerous fin rays. The growth of the fin is controlled by the growth of independent fin rays. Each fin ray is composed of a pair of hemirays, which are concave structures that consist of multiple bony segments joined at the end. Growth occurs by the addition of ray segments to the end of the fin. Each fin develops an independent blastema through the condensation, and differentiation into osteoblasts, of undifferentiated mesenchyme in the medial part of the fin. The osteoblasts produce the bone matrix (Iovine & Johnson, 2000). There are several stages to fin regeneration in zebrafish. It begins with wound healing and the migration of epidermal cells to cover the wound, resulting in formation of a multilayered cap. Second, mesenchymal disorganization occurs, in which the mesenchymal cells found below the wound epithelium dedifferentiate and migrate toward the amputation plate. Next, the regeneration blastema is formed as the mesenchymal cells propagate and accumulate. The new fin structures are derived from the regeneration blastema. Regenerative outgrowth then occurs which involves proliferation, integration and differentiation of the cells. This continues until the missing structure is replaced (Whitehead et al. …

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