
In the current study, the distribution of acoustic impedance in the head of harbor porpoise and striped dolphin were reported and the transmission factor in the head was calculated. Clicks properties are considered to be closely connected to the structure of sound producing organ, however, few effective investigations have been carried out to reveal the cause of the species diversity of clicks properties. Clicks of toothed whales has been confirmed to be produced at the dorsal barsae (DB) and propagated to the melon where the clicks’ beam is progressively focused, and emitted into the seawater from the emitting surface (ES), a circular aperture at the frontal part of the melon. In our observation of the melon, a continuous gradients were observed from DB to ES for three species. At the ES, acoustic impedance of melon was matched with that of seawater. This mechanism would enable efficient click propagation and emission. The estimated directivity of clicks only from the transmission factor was much weaker than observed directivity, which suggests that the directivity of clicks is strongly affected by the refraction in the melon than a reflection and attenuation in the head tissue.

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