
ABSTRACT The intercropping between BRS Paiaguás (Bachiaria brizantha cv. BRS Paiaguás) and BRS Tamani (Panicum maximum cv. BRS Tamani) cultivars can ensure better utilisation of available abiotic resources, potentially promoting higher forage mass yield. The aim was to investigate the effect of BRS Tamani and BRS Paiaguás cultivars in different cropping systems (monoculture vs. intercropping) in the Brazilian semi-arid region. The experiment was designed with five treatments in randomised blocks, consisting of different proportions of an intercropping system composed of the cultivars mentioned: 100% Paiaguás; 75% Paiaguás and 25% Tamani; 50% Paiaguás and 50% Tamani; 25% Paiaguás and 75% Tamani; and 100% Tamani. The availability of forage mass and tissue flow was evaluated throughout the experimental period. There were differences in the total forage mass between the cultivation systems, with the highest values estimated in pastures with a consortium of 25% Paiaguás and 75% Tamani, 50% Paiaguás and 50% Tamani, and 75% Paiaguás and 25 Tamani, respectively. When there was lower participation of Tamani (25%), the Paiaguás cultivar had a longer leaf lifespan and phyllochron. To ensure balance in forage production in semi-arid regions, it is possible to recommend the implementation of intercropping with 50% Paiaguás and 50% Tamani.

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