
Introduction: Hypospadias is congenital anomalies with various spectrum and variants, presenting with abnormal urethral meatus short of the native tip of the glans. megameatus intact prepuce is a rare variant of glanular hypospadias seen in about 3-6 % of hypospadias cases. The main features of megameatus intact prepuce are large urethral external meatus with deep with deeply grooved glans penis and the preputial skin is usually present and intact with no chordae. Seven named procedures for megameatus intact prepuce were discussed. Methodology: We use the following search engines for out study where we found the following articles and reviews as follows in Scopus search, we found 26 articles, in AJOL we there were 7 articles and in PubMed Central Search we found 32 articles, then in Google scholar the search revealed 388 articles, 45 articles were reviewed and summarised and 7 established procedures were discussed. Results: Seven named established procedures for megameatus intact prepuce variant of hypospadias were summarized and discussed and include Pyramid Procedure, Glanular Approximation Procedure, Tubularised Urethral Plate Urethroplasty, Tubularised Incised Urethral Plate Procedure, Mathieu Technique, Cutaneous advancement procedure and The Inframeatal Vascularised Flap Procedure. DISCUSSION: The Surgical procedures for repair of megameatus intact prepuce is technically challenging not only for the surgeon but the anesthethiogist alike because the patients are paediatric with small organs, therefore appropriate instruments and proper timing of the surgical intervention is paramount. Duckett and Keating et al in their study identified the first challenge is to identify those patients who truly need surgical repair. In a study by Marc Cendron et al they found out that the features identified as important in the decision-making process were (1) meatal opening close to or below the coronal margin; (2) A deep glans cleft; (3) a wide, splayed-out glans; and (4) an abnormal urinary stream if witnessed. in a study by Duckett JW, Keating MA, Hatch DA et at and Austin Hill G, Wacksman J they reported a satisfactory outcome with the various described surgical procedures. Conclusion: The tip and tricks of the surgical procedures of megameatus intact prepuce rare variant of hypospadias is a review article to aimed to improve on the surgical outcome including normal conical appearance of the glans, a urethral meatus of normal caliber, and a single, normal urinary stream with no symptoms and to minimise the complications such as urethrocutenous fistula as extracted from the expert’s vast experience and modifications of the existing techniques, in our study we summarised the experts seven established techniques and the modifications to achieve the desired objectives.

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