
The aim of this paper is to investigate negation in (Brazilian) Portuguese. There are two general types of negation: one that operates over the matrix sentence and another one which is non-sentential. If negation is defined by a unique Neg constituent (which can project to NegP, if necessary), each type can be represented in terms of (asymmetric) C-command such that, at least at LF, Neg c-commands the constituent over which it has scope. Concerning sentential negation, Neg subcategorizes for IP (TP), the constituent which is the sentential operator. Negative Polarity Item (NPI) licensing is taken to be a diagnosis for that structure: since NPIs have to move to Spec of NegP at LF and since move alpha can target only c-commanding Specs (positions), Spec of NegP (and the head Neg) must c-command NPIs. Otherwise, NPIs must be in Spec of NegP before Spell-Out. As for non-sentential negation, we have to distinguish two types. The first one is structured like sentential negation so that Neg takes a complement. However this constituent is not (the matrix) TP, but a minor sentence constituent like an embedded finite or non-finite sentence, an A or an N. Since Neg c-commands the complement, a NPI is licensed inside the complement. The other type of sentential negation is structured as an adjunct of the negated constituent. In this case, the c-command condition does not hold and a NPI cannot be licensed by this Neg which do not project to NegP.

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