
Researchers from China have proposed a hollow top-hat beam (HTB) diffractive optical element (DOE) shaping method, for use in space uplink chaotic communications systems (SUCCS). Simulation results show that by shaping the beam into a HTB, the bit error-rate (BER) improvement is substantial when compared to the traditional hollow Gaussian beam (HGB). The results could be significant for the optimisation of designs relating to SUCCS. Laser communication is a type of communication technique that, unsurprisingly, uses laser beams as a signal carrier, allowing the transmission of images, sound and other data in free space. It has been conceptualised since the development of the first lasers in the 1960s. When compared to more traditional microwave communication, laser communication has the advantages of allowing faster transmission due to higher data-rate (in principle anywhere from 1,000 to 100,000 times faster), a larger communication capacity, smaller terminal size and lower power consumption. It is anticipated that, due to its higher data-rate, laser communication will be the preferred candidate for the problem of bottlenecking when it comes to space uplink communications. Prof Mi Li (left of centre) and his research group. (a) original Gaussian distribution of laser beam (b) hollow Gaussian beam (HGB) shaped by DOE (c) hollow top-hat beam (HTB) shaped by DOE. Space chaotic laser communication system. Reducing the complexity of designing laser communications systems is a hot topic in the research field of free-space communication. Optical antennas play an important role, where they function as beam collators, expanders and convergers – all of which can improve the performance of free-space communication. One of the most commonly used antennas is the Cassegrain reflective optical antenna, featuring a short mirror body, high magnification and elimination of spherical aberrations (which result in blurry images due to numerous undesired focal points). Cassegrain antennas do come with a drawback, however, in that the secondary mirror can block part of the transmission beam, affecting the transmission efficiency of the optical system. The work presented in this issue of Electronics Letters is applicable to space chaotic laser communications systems, which are more complex than ground optical fiber chaotic communication systems. The authors use a DOE to shape a carrier beam into a hollow, top-hat shape (see inset images). DOEs have been widely used in the field of beam-shaping due to the advantages of high diffraction efficiency, flexible design and simple structure. Intelligent shaping of the beam can eliminate the problem of secondary mirrors in a Cassegrain antenna blocking part of the transmission beam. It can also be used to improve the transmission efficiency of the optical sub-system, meaning that the design pressure on other sub-system parameters is eased. DOEs can be used to shape and split laser beams in an energy-efficient manner and are often used in production facilities for laser material processing, or in medical laser treatments and diagnostics. They also see use in lighting, printing and lithography. In short, DOEs are frequently used in areas where shaping and splitting with minimal light loss is necessary. In order to effectively demonstrate how their suggested HTB improves the quality of the communication system, the authors use BER to evaluate their work. They also compare the HTB to a HGB, which they used in previous research works, to see if there is any difference in quality when considering the two shapes for SUCCS. The research considers strong and weak atmospheric conditions, as atmospheric turbulence also plays a role in the BER of signals moving between Earth and orbit. The work shows that, at higher beam power, BER is reduced by around 10−0.9 when using the HTB shaping method at a low chaotic mismatch and 10−1.5 at a high chaotic mismatch. In both scenarios the HTB shaping outperforms the HGB shaping, showing that the HTB is more suitable for SUCCS. In recent years there have been a number of exciting achievements in the free-space laser communication field. Laser communication has moved from concept to practice, Mbps rates to Gbps rates and we are now seeing the next iteration of communication technology. Research scientists are carrying out research work on small-size, high-speed laser communication stations. The work presented here not only improves the efficiency of the beam, but also makes steps towards reducing the design difficulty of other sub-systems within the communication terminal. The authors hope that this work will also allow a meshing of 5G ground wireless communications and space laser communications networks, and even pave the way for easier realisation of 6G in the future.

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