
With the development of the Internet of Things, multi-access edge computing (MEC) is widely used in industrial IoT, intelligent transport systems, and IoT data management. As a decentralized, tamper-proof, multiparty trusted ledger technology, blockchain can enhance MEC security, privacy, and automatic use of resources. However, highly redundant storage and complex consensus prevent the blockchain from being directly deployed to edge computing nodes with limited resources. Unlike existing lightweight schemes, which do not consider liberating transaction data from blocks, this paper proposes a lightweight blockchain ledger protocol for MEC networks. The novelty of this work is that the transaction data in the block is compressed into a succinct proof through the zero-knowledge proof algorithm. To reduce the storage of block data, this paper proposes the proof-of-state-transfer model in which nodes verify the correctness of the global state transfer in the block without transactions. To reduce the communication complexity of consensus, this paper proposes a lightweight consensus protocol, which reduces the communication complexity of block voting and view switching to O(n). This paper develops the prototype system of TinyLedger to experiment and evaluate the performance of the system in terms of storage, verification, throughput, and communication. Experimental results show that compared to Ethereum, TinyLedger reduces storage capacity by 98.16%, communication volume by 74.53%, and block verification time by 87%.

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