
known how these other hosts may playa role in the over-wintering of the fungus, and if they will provide a broader geographic base than that currently known for kudzu. Because the introduction of soybean rust is relatively new to the continental United States, much remains unknown about the potential in-season and overwintering distribution of the fungus. It seems likely, as it is with most invasive species, that it may take a decade to fully understand the distribution of the fungus and its capacity to cause economic losses to the U.S.soybean crop. References Cited Harmon, P. F.,M. T.Momol, J. J. Marios, H. Dankers, and C. L.Harmon. 2005. Asian soybean rust caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi on soybean and kudzu in Florida. Online. Plant Health Progress:doi:10.1094/PHP2005-0613-01-RS. Hartman, G. L., R. A. Hines, C.D. Faulkner, T. N. Lynch, and N. Pataky. 2007. Late season occurrence of soybean rust caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi on soybean in Illinois. Plant Dis. 91: 466. Killgore, E.,and R.Heu. 1994. First report of soybean rust in Hawaii. Plant Disease 78: 1216. Lynch, T.N., J. J. Marios, D. L.Wright, P. F.Harmon, C.L. Harmon, M. R. Miles, and G. L. Hartman. 2006. First report of soybean rust caused Phakopsora pachyrhizi on Phaseolus species in the United States. Plant Dis. 90: 970. Miles, M.R.,G.L.Hartman, and R.D.Frederick. 2003. Soybean rust: Is the U.S.crop at risk? [Online] http://www.apsnet.org/online/feature/rust Ono, Y.,P. Buritica, and J. F.Hennen. 1992. Delimitation of Phakopsora, Physopella and Cerotelium and their species on Leguminosae. Mycol. Res. 96: 825-850. Schneider, R.W.,C.A Hollier, H. K.Whitman, M.E.Palm, J.M.McKemy, J. R.Hernandez, L.Levy,and R.DeVries-Paterson. 2005. First report of soybean rust caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi in the continental United States. Plant Dis. 89: 774. Sinclair, J. B., and G.L.Hartman, [Eds.] 1995. Proceedings of the soybean rust workshop, 9-11 Aug.1995, pp. i-vii, 68. National Soybean Research Laboratory, Urbana, IL.

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