
The development of Islam in Indonesia is very rapidly growing, as the largest religion in Indonesia, the need for spiritual good in terms of worship and social is needed in variousregions in Indonesia. Semarang as the capital of Central Java Province became the city which must be the center of development of all aspects of human needs, including religious facilities for the city of Semarang and surrounding areas. One of the areas that became religious facilities, especially Islam in Semarang is the Great Mosque of Central Java. In addition to being the biggest iconic mosque in Semarang and used as a tourist spot, the area provides various facilities to create a circulation to connect these facilities. Circulation becomes an important part of an area because the circulation is always in the access by the perpetrators of the area, the perpetrators in question one of them is the visitor. Ease and comfort of the circulation become things to note so that visitors will feel at home to come to the area. Circulation in the Great Mosque of Central Java is a concern to be discussed in this paper, because in addition to the needs of the surrounding community will be provided facilities that are always in access by the community, the Great Mosque of Central Java is also used as one of the tourist attractions in Central Java by tourists both local and local outdoors. Signage is also discussed because ease and comfort in the circulation is also determined by good signage.


  • The development of Islam in Indonesia is very rapidly growing, as the largest religion in Indonesia, the need for spiritual good in terms of worship and social is needed in variousregions in Indonesia

  • Semarang as the capital of Central Java Province became the city which must be the center of development of all aspects of human needs, including religious facilities for the city of Semarang and surrounding areas

  • Circulation in the Great Mosque of Central Java is a concern to be discussed in this paper, because in addition to the needs of the surrounding community will be provided facilities that are always in access by the community, the Great Mosque of Central Java is used as one of the tourist attractions in Central Java by tourists both local and local outdoors

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TINJAUAN PUSTAKA Pengertian Sirkulasi

Menurut Francis D.K Ching (2007: 240), sirkulasi adalah elemen penyambung inderawi yang menghubungkan ruang-ruang sebuah bangunan, atau serangkaian ruang eksterior ataupun interior manapun, secara bersama-sama. 2. Terbuka pada Satu Sisi Pola ini lebih memiliki ruang sirkulasi yang baik selain sirkulasi manusia sebagai pengguna jalan, namun juga dapat mengoptimalkan sirkulasi cahaya dan udara yang dapat masuk ke dalam area pengguna. Sebuah sign seperti yang telah dijelaskan pada poin-poin di atas juga memiliki fungsi sebagai alat untuk memperkuat kualitas lingkungan secara visual, yang berarti disamping mengarahkan dan memberi informasi, sebuah sign juga dapat membuat manusia lebih merasakan ruang di sekitarnya dan memberi ciri tersendiri agar ruang atau lingkungan tersebut mudah diingat oleh manusia, dengan begitu orang tersebut akan lebih mudah saat ia ingin kembali ke tempat tersebut. Panah sebagai salah satu jenis simbol yang bersifat universal karena digunakan hampir di seluruh dunia, cara penggunaannya juga harus dipertimbangkan dalam sign agar sign tersebut dapat berkomunikasi secara efektif. Cahaya yang sesuai dan tidak berlebihan juga dapat membuat penampilan sign lebih menarik

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