
The sale and purchase of Tuntong Laut eggs that occurred in Pusung Kapal Village, Kec. Seruway is done for the use of ingredients for making srikaya jam. This sale and purchase is a violation of laws that have been set by the government and can cause damage to nature and is contrary to the principles of muamalah. The title of this research is “Review of Muamalah Fiqh Against the Practice of Selling and Buying Sea Tuntong Eggs (Batagur Borneonsis) in Pusung Kapal Village, Kec. Seruway” With the formulation of the problem is (1). How is the practice of buying and selling Tuntong Laut (Batagur borneoensis) eggs in Pusung Kapal Village, Kec. Seruway? (2) How is the Fiqh Muamalah review of the practice of buying and selling eggs of Sea Tuntung (Batagur Borneoensis) case study in Pusung Kapal Village, Kec. Seruway? Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that (1) The practice of buying and selling Tuntong Laut eggs is prohibited according to Fiqh Muamalah because the Rukuns and conditions of sale and purchase are not fulfilled, such as: the goods are not owned by themselves, but belong to the state whose species are protected. immediately when Ijab and Qabul or the goods are not in hand, and do not meet Sharia principles, such as bringing harm, destroying the ecosystem of protected animals and containing elements of gharar. (2) Buying and selling of Tuntong Laut eggs in Pusung Kapal Village, Kec. Seruway That there is a practice of buying and selling rare animals, in which the sale and purchase is not accompanied by a permit from the competent authority.

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