
Summary form only given. Extreme ultraviolet (EUV) is the potential candidate for the light source used in next generation semiconductor lithography. In EUV lithography (EUVL), IC pattern as small as 32-nm pitch or below will be realized by using 13.5-nm radiation. There are two major schemes to obtain high-power EUV; laser-produced plasma (LPP) and discharge-produced plasma (DPP). DPP seems to provide more cost-effective source and easier way to obtain necessary EUV power than LPP. EUV is not a coherent radiation so that emitted radiation is collected by optics and transferred to an exposure tool. In volume production, significant amount of IC chip should be yielded. From these points of view, EUV radiation must be emitted from very small volume but have sufficient average power. In our development, Z-pinch plasma is employed to achieve such a high temperature and density micro plasma. It is very important to increase conversion efficiency (CE) of electrical energy input to 13.5-nm radiation. Xe used to be used as fuel material because of its easiness of handling and cleanliness. However, Sn is the best choice from the view point of CE. Despite its handling difficulties, Sn is now being commonly used in many EUV researches. In case of gas-discharge-produced plasma, it is necessary to feed the gas into the discharge region between the electrodes. For this purpose, we utilize SnH4 gas, which is in gaseous state at room temperature and able to be controlled like Xe. EUV source for semiconductor lithography is also required to work at pulse repetition frequency more than 7 kHz. By using high rep-rate (8 kHz) and high-average-power (120 kW) pulsed power driver, and low-inductance Z-pinch load, radiation characteristics of SnH4-fueled Z-pinch were investigated. Radiation energy, radiation stability, plasma image, temporal radiation behavior of Z-pinch were investigated. As a result, EUV power within 2 % bandwidth at 13.5 nm reached 700 W/2 pisr.

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