
The timing of spawning and recruitment in the squid Loligo forbesi in Scottish waters is described on the basis of data from three sources: monthly samples of squid caught by commercial trawls (1986–1988), egg masses found by fishermen (1987–1991), and statistical data on animals caught by research trawls (1978–1987).Spawning females were present in samples from December to June, with peak spawning occurring in March. Most records of egg masses were from these months, but eggs were also found in August and September. These results suggest that there is an extended spawning season.Small squid (≤100 mm dorsal mantle length) were rarely present in commercial samples, but were recorded in research samples almost all year round. Thus there appears to be more or less continuous recruitment into the catchable population.The results of the present study are consistent with published data from other parts of the geographic range in that there is a regular seasonal peak in spawning, and spawning adults disappear from the population in summer. Further interpretation of the life-cycle of this species is not justified on the basis of current knowledge, and more information is needed on migrations, geographical variation, and lifespan in Loligo forbesi.

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