
The time of the metal–silicate differentiation of the Eagle Station pallasite (ESP) parent body was investigated using the 26Al–26Mg short-lived chronometer (half-life of 0.72Myr). The Mg isotope ratios were measured in ESP olivines by both MC–SIMS and HR-MC–ICPMS, allowing us to check the consistency between the results given by two different analytical protocols and data reduction processes. Results show that the two datasets are consistent, with a (δ26Mg*)av. value of –0.003 (±0.005)‰ (2 s.e., n=89). Such a value, associated with data from the 182Hf–182W short-lived systematics (half-life of 8.9Myr), indicates an ESP parent body metal–silicate differentiation occurring most likely at least at ∼2Ma, but possibly 4Ma, after CAI formation. From the 27Al/24Mg ratios measured in ESP olivines using MC–SIMS, the duration of the olivine crystallization process was inferred to have lasted over ∼275kyr if the core has differentiated as early as 2Ma after CAIs, while in the case of a core differentiation occurring 4Ma after CAIs, the silicate–silicate differentiation should have lasted for another 4Myr.

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