
New data implying crustal activation of Eastern Avalonia along the Anglo-Brabant fold belt are presented. Late Ordovician subduction-related magmatism in East Anglia and the Brabant Massif, coupled with accelerated subsidence in the Anglia Basin and in the Brabant Massif during Silurian time, indicate a foreland basin development. Final collision resulted in folding, cleavage development and thrusting during the mid-Lochkovian to mid-Eifelian. In the southeast of the Anglo-Brabant fold belt, Acadian deformation produced basin inversion and the regional antiformal structure of the Brabant Massif. The uplift, inferred from the sedimentology, petrography and reworked palynomorphs in the Lower Devonian of the Dinant Synclinorium is confirmed by illite crystallinity studies. The tectonic model discussed implies the presence of two subduction zones in the eastern part of Eastern Avalonia, one along the Anglo-Brabant fold belt and another under the North Sea in the prolongation of the North German–Polish Caledonides.

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