
The aim of this three-year study (2001–2003) was to optimize fungicide application against anthracnose ( Colletotrichum acutatum) in sweet and sour cherry orchards. The experimental sprays were applied to trees receiving normal fungicide programmes (grower schedule), although without the use of dithianon, except for the first year where only the experimental applications were applied to the sour cherry trees. Fungicide treatments were applied with either dithianon or copperoxychloride added prior to flowering or with dithianon added after flowering. Spraying with dithianon or copperoxychloride prior to flowering did not significantly reduce anthracnose compared to untreated. Two applications with dithianon during the green fruit stage (from petal fall and during the following 3–4 weeks) greatly reduced anthracnose at harvest. Three applications on green fruit did not reduce disease more than two applications. In sweet cherries, two sprays with dithianon at the green fruit stage in addition to the grower schedule reduced anthracnose at harvest from 14% to 3% in 2002 and from 15% to 1% the following year. In 2001, when very few fruit developed anthracnose, no treatment effects were evident. Treatments on green sour cherry fruit similar to those on sweet cherries reduced the attack of anthracnose from 85% to 42% in 2002 and from 51% to 12% the following year. In 2001, no treatment included only sprays on green fruit. However, one treatment, which included copperoxychloride at bud burst, one application of dithianon during flowering and two applications on green fruits, reduced anthracnose from 27% to 9%. Based on these results, cherry growers are recommended to spray twice with dithianon on green fruit if they have a history of anthracnose in their orchards.

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