
The retreat of the Late Weichselian ice sheet over the southern part of Sweden is marked along the southwest coast by distinct marginal moraine ridges. Their timing can directly and indirectly be assessed based on a number of radiocarbon dates and pollen stratigraphic investigations on lake sediment sequences adjacent to the ice marginal lines. Along the southeastern side of the peninsula, the ice recession has been reconstructed based on a combination of clay-varve chronology, pollen and radiocarbon stratigraphy. A morphological correlation of ice marginal lines between the west and east coast is problematic since the distinct west-coast moraines cannot be followed through the central part of the peninsula towards the east coast. This paper is an attempt to reconstruct an age-equivalent west–east extension of the ice-recession lines on the basis of existing data sets. For our correlation we use calibrated radiocarbon ages for ice marginal deposits on the west coast and compare these with a partly radiocarbon-dated clay-varve chronology on the east coast. We conclude that the two oldest moraines on the west coast formed at ∼18,000–16,000 and ∼15,400–14,500 cal yr BP, respectively. During the following rapid deglaciation, which may have coincided with the beginning of the Bølling pollen zone, large parts of southernmost Sweden became ice free, except for higher elevated areas, where stagnant ice remained for another 400–500 yr. A best guess is that the formation of the next younger ice marginal lines may have occurred at ∼14,400–14,200, ∼14,200 and ∼13,400 cal yr BP and during the Younger Dryas cold event.

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