
Abstract There are two 300–500 km long belts of Palaeoproterozoic layered intrusions in the Baltic (Fennoscandian) Shield; the Northern (Kola) Belt and the Southern (Fenno-Karelian) Belt. New U–Pb (TIMS) ages and radiogenic isotopic (Nd–Sr–He) data have been determined for mafic-ultramafic Cu–Ni–Ti–Cr and PGE-bearing layered intrusions of the Kola Belt. U–Pb zircon and baddeleyite data from gabbronorite and anorthosite bodies of the Fedorovo-Pansky, Monchepluton, Main Ridge (Monchetundra and Chunatundra) and Mt Generalskaya intrusions, and from gabbronorite intrusions and dykes associated with the Imandra lopolith, yield ages from c . 2.52–2.39 Ga. The age range of 130 Ma recorded in the Kola Belt samples, associated with at least four intrusive phases (three PGE-bearing and one barren), is significantly greater than that for intrusions of the Southern (Fenno-Karelian) Belt which clusters at 2.44 Ga. Nd isotopic values for the Kola Belt range from −1.1 to −2.4 and indicate an enriched mantle ‘EM-1 type’ reservoir for these layered intrusions. Initial Sr isotopic data for the Kola intrusions are radiogenic relative to bulk mantle, with I Sr values from 0.703 to 0.704, but geochemical data and 4 He/ 3 He isotopic ratios of various minerals record a significant contribution from a mantle source rather than simply crustal melting. The geological and geochronological data indicate that in the eastern part of the Baltic Shield, mafic‐ultramafic intrusive magmatism was active over a protracted period and was related to plume magmatism associated with continental breakup that also involved the Superior and Wyoming provinces.

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