
College timetabling is a combinatoric and dynamic problem. In order to solve this problem, the approach must be efficient, flexible, portable, and adaptable. This paper describes a solution procedure based on a constraint-based reasoning technique implemented in an object-oriented approach. The problem is formulated as a constraint satisfaction model and it is then solved using the proposed algorithm. The algorithm is tested using real data from one of the colleges offering professional courses. The results show that a 18-weeks timetable for 1673 subject sections, 10 rooms, 21 lecturers can be solved in less than 33 minutes as compared to several weeks if it is to be solved manually. Since it is implemented using the object-oriented approach, the proposed system can also be modified and easily adapted to support changes. Scope and purpose Timetable planning is an activity of assigning subjects to time and space such that all constraints are satisfied. It can be categorized into several types and the most common types are academic (in universities, colleges, and schools), airline, and nurse timetablings. Constraint-based reasoning is a problem-solving technique that combines logic programming and constraint-solving technique based on an arc-consistency algorithm. It has been used to solve constraint satisfaction problems. The purpose of the paper is to present the modeling process of the college timetabling as a constraint satisfaction problem. The model is then solved using the constraint-based reasoning approach.

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