
Sleep bruxism (SB) and periodic limb movements during sleep (PLMS) may have a common underlying neurophysiologic mechanism, especially in relation to the occurrence of sleep-related electroencephalographic (EEG) arousals. To test this hypothesis, three research questions were assessed. First, it was assessed whether PLMS events occur more frequently in SB patients than in individuals without SB. Second, the question was put forward whether the combined presence of SB and PLMS events is more common than that of isolated SB or PLMS events in a group of SB patients. Third, as to further unravel the possible role of EEG arousals in the underlying neurophysiologic mechanism of SB and PLMS, it was assessed in a group of SB patients whether combined SB/PLMS events with associated EEG arousals are more common than those without associated EEG arousals. Positive answers to these questions could suggest a common neurophysiological basis for both movement disorders. Seventeen SB patients and 11 healthy controls were polysomnographically studied. SB, PLMS, and EEG arousals were scored. An association was noted when the occurrence was within a 3-s association zone. The PLMS index was higher in SB patients than in healthy controls (P < 0.001). Within the group of SB patients, the combined SB/PLMS index was higher than the isolated SB index (P < 0.001) and the isolated PLMS index (P = 0.018). Similarly, the combined SB/PLMS index with EEG arousal was higher than the combined SB/PLMS index without EEG arousal in SB patients (P < 0.001). The results of this study indicate that SB, PLMS, and EEG arousals commonly concur during sleep in a time-linked manner. SB and PLMS probably have a common underlying neurophysiological mechanism.

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