
This paper reports on a novel use of timeline-based planning as the core element of a dynamic training environment specifically designed for crisis managers. It describes an effort to build a complete application that helps the trainer to create and deliver engaging and personalized training lessons for decision making skills in crisis management domains. The paper emphasis is given to (a) the timeline-based representation as the core component for creating training sessions and a trainee's model; (b) the combination of planning and execution functionalities required to maintain and dynamically adapt a "lesson plan" on the basis of individual interactions, behaviors and performance; (c) the "mixed-initiative" approach pursued, that allows the trainer to keep control of the activity loop. The application has been fielded and evaluated through a psychophysiological assessment within a real crisis training room involving 18 real strategic decision makers in a three-days of classes experience, overall demonstrating the ability of the system to fully support trainees engagement thanks to the flexibility injected by the planning technology.

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