
Ultra-high molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) composites reinforced with Graphene Oxide (GO), Nanodiamonds (ND), and Short Carbon Fibres (SCF) are characterised for their mechanical performance in tensile and short-term creep tests. A methodology to separate and analyse the materials’ viscoelastic (VE) and viscoplastic (VP) responses is applied and evaluated. The results show a clear dependence of the performance on size scale/morphology of the reinforcements. All composites show time-dependent VP responses that can be expressed by Zapas model and fit the experimental data with high accuracy. The analysed VE strains and creep compliance curves reveal the nonlinear stress-dependent VE behaviour of all composites at all tested creep stresses. Combining multiscale reinforcements results in an improvement that surpasses that of individual reinforcements. The results of this work offer valuable input for the design and selection of polymer-based materials in demanding applications where prolonged use under service conditions is critical to their performance.

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