
TheA-value method, involving the application of a higher15N rate to a reference non-N2-fixing plant, was used to assess the magnitude of N2 fixation in two bambara groundnut cultivars at four growth stages [vegetative, 0–47 days after planting (DAP); early pod-filling, 47–99 DAP; mid-pod-filling, 99–120 DAP; physiological maturity, 120–148 DAP). The cultivars were Ex-Ada, a bunchy type, and CS-88-11, a slightly spreading type. They were grown on a loamy sand. Uninoculated Ex-Ada and CS-88-11 were used as reference plants to measure the N2 fixed in the inoculated bambara groundnuts. In this greenhouse study, soil was the major source of N in bambara groundnuts during vegetative growth, and during this period it accounted for over 80% of the N accumulaed in the plants. However, N2 fixation became the major source of plant N during reproductive growth. There were significant differences between the two cultivars in the ability to fix N2, and at physiological maturity, almost 75% of the N in CS-88-11 was derived from the atmosphere compared to 55% in Ex-Ada. Also, the total N fixed in CS-88-11 at physiological maturity was almost double that in Ex-Ada. Our data indicate that the higher N2 fixation in CS-88-11 was due to two factors, a higher intensity of N2 fixation and a longer active period of N2 fixation. The results also suggest that bambara groundnut genotypes could be selected for higher N2 fixation in farining systems.

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