
Earlier studies of people with fibromyalgia have shown that pain, tiredness, and sleep disruption seriously affect their daily performance and their ability to maintain life roles. A time-geographic diary method was used to study activities and time use in the daily lives of women with long-term pain. The results of the diaries were also used to evaluate activity changes over time. Sixteen women wrote diaries over seven days, and after three months for another four days. The diaries were analysed in a computer program. After considering the results of the first diary, the women formulated goals to be met in the following three months. The results showed that working women spent significantly less time on “Care for others”, “Care for oneself”, Rest, and “Procure and prepare food” compared with non-working women. Further, working women used time in a manner similar to that of the Swedish female population. The diary method gave a clear picture of the women's daily lives. Visualized in graphs and tables, it will serve as an educational tool in rehabilitation and can be used as a framework for discussing adjustment and coping strategies.Liedberg GM, Hesselstrand ME, Henriksson CM. Time use and activity patterns in women with long-term pain.

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