
This essay addresses the painful circumstance of the analyst's death in the midst of an analysis. Through a series of dreams after her analyst's death, Deutsch (this issue) works hard to recover from the shock of sudden loss, and to recover her shared dialogue with her lost analyst within the context of a new analytic relationship. In contending with death and mortality, one is made acutely aware of the peculiar relationship we each have with temporality—the multifaceted quality of our complex, ambivalent relationship to the exigencies of time. Trouble with time shows itself most especially in our difficulties with the emotional pain of saying goodbye. Human development is inseparable from our development in relation to time, and our capacity to cope with time is always vulnerable to regression in the face of trauma. For adults troubled by time, analysis offers a space for mourning losses and for moving forward into the rhythm of time. A full termination phase creates an expanse of time—real and psychic—to say goodbye. The analyst's participation is crucial in insuring that this process of parting unfolds to its fullest extent, allowing for mortality to weave its way through the tapestry of termination.

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