
The goal of this preliminary study was to assess the difference in postural stability between blind and sighted children using the Time to Boundary function (TtB). The experiment was conducted in twelve children (6-12 yrs), six of them had no visual impairment, and other six had congenital blindness. The participants stood on RotoBit force plate maintaining upright stance in static conditions. Each blind subject executed the task three times, each sighted subject executed the task six times, three with eyes closed (EC) and three with eyes open (EO). For all subjects each repetition lasted 30 s. The Centre of Pressure (CoP) coordinates, extracted directly from a force plate, are used to calculate four classical parameters (sway path, sway area, mean amplitude and mean frequency) and a predictive variable called Time to Boundary (TtB). The latter is the time it would take the CoP, given its instantaneous trajectory, to contact a stability boundary. Descriptive statistics were calculated for all parameters. Twoway ANOVA test was done considering the visual condition (EO, EC, BLIND) and the repetitions (RP) as a factor. In the first comparison (BLIND/EO) the results showed significant difference for all the parameters except for TtB. In the second comparison (BLIND/EC) the results showed significant difference only for TtB. In the third comparison (EO/EC) the results showed significant difference for all the calculated parameters. Therefore the TtB would be used to asses the postural control in children with blindness.

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