
Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) is one of the most prevalent techniques used to monitor protein/peptide oxidation induced by reactive oxygen species (ROSs). However, both corona discharge (CD) and electrochemistry (EC) can also lead to protein/peptide oxidation during ESI. Because the two types of oxidation occur almost simultaneously, determining the extent to which the two pathways contribute to protein/peptide oxidation is difficult. Herein, a time-resolved method was introduced to identify and differentiate CD- and EC-induced oxidation. Using this approach, we separated the instantaneous CD-induced oxidation from the hysteretic EC-induced oxidation, and the effects of the spray voltage and flow rate of the ESI source on both oxidation types were investigated with a homemade ESI source. For angiotensin II analogue (b-DRVYVHPF-y), the dehydrogenation and oxygenation species were the detected EC-induced oxidation products, while the oxygenation species were the major CD-induced oxidation products. This time-resolved approach was also applicable to a commercial HESI source, in which both CD and EC were responsible for hemoglobin and cytochrome c oxidation with upstream grounding while CD dominated the oxidation without upstream grounding.

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