
Time of flight measurements (TOF) over the radio link between Uppsala (Tx: 59.9°N, 17.6°E) and Bruntingthorpe (Rx: 52.5°N, 1.1°W) have been performed every 2 min at six frequencies (4.637, 6.954, 8.008, 10.391, 11.118, and 14.364 MHz) during the period November 2006–January 2008. Such measurements have been compared with the TOF provided by three prediction methods that approximate the ray tracing technique: IRI-95, SIRM&BR_D, and ICEPAC. The root mean square deviation (rms) between TOF monthly median measurements and TOF monthly median predictions and the differences (DP) between the length of the median and predicted ray path have been calculated. The results, which are presented in terms of rms and DP for different seasons and different time periods, have indicated that the approximate methods are inadequate and that for more accurate predictions ray tracing techniques should be applied.


  • Accurate predictions of the main parameters characterizing the HF ionospheric channel require a detailed knowledge of the ionospheric conditions that only numerical or analytic ray-tracing techniques can provide

  • In order to test the validity of the methods approximating the ray-tracing technique under “quiet” ionospheric conditions, comparisons between the predictions provided by International Reference Ionosphere (IRI)-95, SIRM&BR_D, ICEPAC and the Time of flight measurements (TOF) median measurements for the one hop propagation modes 1E and 1F were carried out for different frequencies and seasons

  • A few comparisons between TOF monthly median measurements and TOF monthly median predictions provided by IRI-95, SIRM&BR_D and ICEPAC are shown in figures 4-6 for different seasons and frequencies for the one hop propagation modes 1E and 1F

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Accurate predictions of the main parameters characterizing the HF ionospheric channel require a detailed knowledge of the ionospheric conditions that only numerical or analytic ray-tracing techniques can provide. In order to test the validity of the methods approximating the ray-tracing technique under “quiet” ionospheric conditions, comparisons between the predictions provided by IRI-95, SIRM&BR_D, ICEPAC and the TOF median measurements for the one hop propagation modes 1E and 1F were carried out for different frequencies and seasons. Some results concerning such comparisons and the discussion of the same are presented in Sections 4 and 5 respectively

Description of methods that approximate ray tracing and data analysis
Data analysis
Discussion of the results
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