
The present study sought to characterize the temporal patterns of binge eating and theorized maintenance factors among individuals with binge-eating disorder (BED). Ecological momentary assessment of 112 individuals and mixed-effects models were used to characterize the within- and between-day temporal patterns of eating behaviors (binge eating, loss of control only eating, and overeating only), positive and negative affect, emotion regulation difficulty, and food craving. Risk for binge eating and overeating only was highest around 5:30 p.m., with additional binge-eating peaks around 12:30 and 11:00 p.m. In contrast, loss of control eating without overeating was more likely to occur before 2:00 p.m. Risk for binge eating, loss of control only eating, and overeating only did not vary across days in the week. There was no consistent pattern of change in negative affect throughout the day, but it decreased slightly on the weekend. Positive affect showed a decrease in the evenings and a smaller decrease on the weekend. The within-day patterns of food craving, and to some extent emotion regulation difficulty, resembled the pattern of binge eating, with peaks around meal times and at the end of the night. Individuals with BED appear most susceptible to binge-eating around dinner time, with heightened risk also observed around lunch time and late evening, though the effects were generally small. These patterns appear to most strongly mimic fluctuations in craving and emotion dysregulation, although future research is needed to test the temporal relationships between these experiences directly. It is unknown which times of the day and days of the week individuals with binge-eating disorder are most at risk for binge eating. By assessing binge-eating behaviors in the natural environment across the week, we found that individuals are most likely to binge in the evening, which corresponds to the times when they experience the strongest food craving and difficulty with regulating emotions.

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