
The purpose of this research is to determine the impact of the current sit-at-home order on businesses in the South East with specific references to micro and small businesses. The sit-at- home in the region no doubt has negative impact on businesses generally, It impacts production and productivity; it impacts both big and small businesses and more especially time that are needed for business operations; it impacts the movement of persons, goods and services. It impact all sector of the economy including the education sector as students started recoding poor performance in exams arising from skipping schools. This work is an attempt to link time management to business growth and performance whether work or academic on the one hand, and with Sit-at-home in South East Nigeria on the other. Sit-at-home created insecurity; insecurity fears; fear affected performance, and performance is affected by time management. In staying off work/business due to insecurity, more business times and opportunities are lost, hence time management is connected to this study.

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