
The cerebellum is a conserved structure of vertebrate brains that develops at the most anterior region of the alar rhombencephalon. All vertebrates display a cerebellum, making it one of the most highly conserved structures of the brain. Although it greatly varies at the morphological level, several lines of research point to strong conservation of its internal neural circuitry. To test the conservation of the cerebellar circuit, we compared the developmental history of the neurons comprising this circuit in three amniote species: mouse, chick, and gecko. We specifically researched the developmental time of generation of the main neuronal types of the cerebellar cortex. This developmental trajectory is known for the mammalian cell types but barely understood for sauropsid species. We show that the neurogenesis of the GABAergic lineage proceeds following the same chronological sequence in the three species compared: Purkinje cells are the first ones generated in the cerebellar cortex, followed by Golgi interneurons of the granule cell layer, and lately by the interneurons of the molecular layer. In the cerebellar glutamatergic lineage, we observed the same conservation of neurogenesis throughout amniotes, and the same vastly prolonged neurogenesis of granule cells, extending much further than for any other brain region. Together these data show that the cerebellar circuitry develops following a tightly conserved chronological sequence of neurogenesis, which is responsible for the preservation of the cerebellum and its function. Our data reinforce the developmental perspective of homology, whereby similarities in neurons and circuits are likely due to similarities in developmental sequence.

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