
One of the most exhaustive branches of dentistry is prosthodontics. Prosthodontics comprises of fixed denture prosthodontics, Removable prosthodontics, maxillofacial prosthetics and Implant prosthodontics. There is a compelling need to change the existing postgraduate curriculum and the examination system followed in India. No doubt the prevalence of completely edentulous situation among the general population is greater but there is a growing trend of partially edentulous situations as well due to the raised levels of awareness on oral health [1, 2]. And it is time we incorporate the management of partially edentulous situations in our curriculum and teach our students who are going to be the future generation of prosthodontists the management of these situations while retaining our traditional concepts and at the same time introducing the advances in technology and research into the education system. We need to change the archaic pattern of postgraduate examination system too. It is time we incorporate the management of partially edentulous situations as the main core of the examination. As implant dentistry is rapidly changing the way we treat completely edentulous and partially edentulous situations, it is time we as prosthodontists take the responsibility to train our future generations with this modality of treatment as it is a restoration driven speciality. And I must appreciate the efforts taken by the Indian prosthodontic society who have conducted various meetings in this regard [3]. I hope the office bearers at the apex body take cognisance of this fact and do the needful immediately so that our speciality evolves to provide a better standard of care to our patients!!

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